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Offering In Person and Some Online Telehealth

Counseling Appointments


   Taking the step towards change is not always an easy one. Perhaps you have spent time thinking about and searching for a therapist hoping to find just the right fit and then hoping to be brave enough to reach out.  I understand and I'm so glad you found your way here!  

   Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed by life or an emergent situation and could use sup­port to move through it. You might have expe­ri­enced a trau­mat­ic event and you know it is still wreak­ing hav­oc with your well-being and relationships. It could be that you are just plain not hap­py and you are unsure as to why. I can help. I work with peo­ple who want life and their relationships to be bet­ter but aren't sure exactly where to begin. By bringing warmth and reflection, we can re-wire old feelings, thoughts and behaviors which aren't serving you and help you live an authentic, self compassionate life.

It’s no small thing to finally reach out to a counselor, and I'm happy to speak with you about ways counseling might help. I offer a complimentary 15-20 minute virtual consultation where you can see what our work together might look like and whether we might be a good "fit". 

Attachment EFT Flash Technique supervision

Angie Tanyi, LPC, MPH

Portland, OR 97219

 LPC #C5998

Marriage therapist
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