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Some of the Areas I Help With:

Here are some of the com­mon rea­sons peo­ple seek coun­sel­ing with me:

  • Current or past trauma

  • Feeling overwhelmed by emotions, including anxiety, depression, shame, hopelessness, sadness, anger, guilt, etc.

  • Relationship challenges

  • Gender specific and LGBTQIA+

  • Recovering from religious/spiritual toxicity or abuse

  • Dealing with life transitions and/or feeling unsettled or stuck

  • Relationship loss

  • Perinatal concerns, miscarriage/pregnancy loss, postpartum trauma recovery 

  • Feeling self critical, not good enough, unworthy/shame

  • Identity and self-identity challenges

  • Stuck in the cognitive (left-brain) world, cut off from emotions (right brain)

Trauma therapist couples therapist
Who we are... and how we cope...
is not our fault
Who we are... and how we cope...
becomes our responsibility
~Paul Gilbert 

Angie Tanyi, LPC, MPH

Portland, OR 97219

 LPC #C5998

Marriage therapist
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